"Liberal Political arrangements coupled with capitalist systems conspire to produce a timeless people whose memories are at best formed by nostalgic sentimentalities. Thus my oft-made claim that "modernity" names the time that produces people who believe they should have no story except the story they chose when they had no story"
Hauerwas- Performing the Faith
"A people afflicted with amnesia are an unstable people, subservient to the idols of the status quo, vulnerable to the self-serving, mendacious word. Conquerors always try to erase or block the memory of those necks they have bent"
Gutierrez - Las Casas
"If the Church is in fact a community determined by a counterstory of the story that we story ourselves , I have suggested the church cannot help but appear as a counterpolitics to the politics of the world"
Hauerwas – performing the faith